The Annual Education Report provides detailed information on educator qualifications, student assessment and accountability, and other educational information for schools, districts, and the state in one convenient place. 

The report is designed to meet the federal requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, helping school districts to easily package the required data elements for annual federal reporting.

Users can easily link to, print with cover letter, and distribute these reports to fulfill requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act. To fulfill Michigan’s requirements for an annual education report, the district and schools must add the following components:

  • The process for assigning students to each school
  • The status of its school improvement plan
  • A description of each specialized school
  • The status of core curriculum implementation
  • Information about locally administered assessments
  • Parent-Teacher conference data
  • Postsecondary and/or college accredited courses and dual enrollment

Most of these data are locally generated and can be addressed in the AER cover letters to fulfill both the federal and state requirements in a single report. For more information about the state requirements, jump to the Michigan Legislative website. Visit the MDE site for AER frequently asked questions.

The report is updated annually. The release schedule varies. See the Recently Posted Reports page for when the report was last updated.