Career Pathways

Career pathways timeline

     Anchor Bay, through the passing of the 2022 Bond, will be implementing Career Pathways for students. Some of the first bond renovation work will create the Career Pathway Framework including locating all 16 CTE programs at Anchor Bay High School.  This reconfiguring of the CTE programs will not only bolster Anchor Bay students’ opportunities, it will also allow for the district to integrate Career Exploration Classes for all K-12 students.

    Why are career pathways important in school? It allows students to connect what they are learning in the classroom to possible future careers. Pathways provide the structure to guide students toward well paying, skilled fields. Students gain education, training, and support services while they acquire marketable skills before graduation! 

     Explore the Anchor Bay Pathways below! You can click on the photos to see the course offerings at ABHS.

Click here for the Career Pathways Document