Thank You Voters for Supporting the Bond!
2025 Community Bond Presentation
Middle School Realignment FAQ's
Security Update
We’re thrilled to start sharing some of the exciting changes in store for the upcoming school year! Stay tuned as we highlight key updates and improvements designed to enhance learning, engagement, and our school community. Our goal is to keep our families and community informed every step of the way.
- Anchor Bay School District will begin the 2025-2026 school year before Labor Day, with the first day of school on August 27, 2025. We understand this is a significant change for some families, so we encourage everyone to mark their calendars and plan summer vacations accordingly. 2025-26 Calendar
- Preschool Information
- Elementary Updates including New Screenings for Kindergarten Students
- Middle School Reconfiguration
- Trimester and Secondary Eligibility Policy Update
- SC4 Enhanced Dual Enrollment at ABHS
Stay Tuned for Updates!
The Fall Community Newsletter will be hitting mailboxes in September. It includes information about Anchor Bay's amazing state assessment scores, bond updates, new administrators, and more!
March 4, 2024 - Community Forum
Spring 2024 Building Presentation
Superintendent Jankowski gave eight presentations in Spring 2024 to give staff and the community the opportunity to learn more and ask building specific questions about future bond projects.
Questions can be emailed:
Goals of the Bond
Operational Goals
Operational Goals of the Bond Proposal
Reduce Average Age of Facility
- · District’s oldest facilities from 1955 and 1957 are replaced
- · Average age of facility decreases from 49 years old to 9 years old
Reduce District Square Footage
- Reduces square footage by over 90,000SF
Efficiently Balances District Student Population
- Corrects facility use imbalance and creates equitable student distribution at middle school level
Correct Geographical Concerns
- Puts Anchor Bay families closer to their school and reduces transportation time
Lower Operational Costs
- Lowers operational cost by $2 million annually
Utilizes Key Existing Investments
- Over 83,000SF of past bond square footage saved. Over 20% of new facilities will utilize existing square footage
Educational Goals
Educational Goals of the Bond Proposal
- Create Spaces for All Learners
- Enhance Design Process Curriculum
- Provide for Project-Based Learning
- Facilitate One Anchor Bay Culture
- Increase Educational Opportunities for our Students
- Establish Personalized and Connected Learning Environments
- Locate all 16 CTE Programs at Anchor Bay High School
- Integrate Career Exploration Classes for K12 Students