Cori Wiley, Supervisor

Linda Benoit, Administrative Assistant

51890 Washington Street
New Baltimore, Mi  48047
(586) 716-3622 Office
(586) 716-0784 Fax


Boiler - Lighthouse RFP Due January 7, 2025

Welding Bid specs PDF #2 Due January 15, 2025

Facility Use Requests

All facility use requests are completed online.  To request the use of our indoor or outdoor facilities, you will need to use MLSchedules.

Register for an Account

The first step needed to make an online facility use request is to create a user account.   You can do so by clicking the Register icon below.  Be sure to complete all information fields and then click the submit button.   If your registration was successful you will receive an email confirmation.  The video and Quick Start Guide below will provide additional information.

Register Link

Creating an Account:



Once your account is created you can start making facility reservations.  Click the Log in icon below .  The video and Quick Start Guide below will further explain the reservation process.

Log In

  Submitting a Facility Use Request:

PDF DocumentMLSchedule Quick Start Guide

  • Questions regarding indoor facility rentals please contact Linda Benoit
  • Questions regarding outdoor athletic field rentals please contact Greg Jones

Pay Facility Use

Use the below link if you wish to pay your facility use online.

Pay Facility Use Fee

Facility Documents

Facility Use Fee Schedule

Athletic Field Use Fee Schedule

Facility Use Policy

Facility Use Guidelines

Athletic Field Use Guidelines

District Map




Dear Parent/Guardian:

The Anchor Bay School District has adopted an Integrated Pest Management program. Inherent with this are the District’s efforts to reduce pesticide use as much as possible. While it may occasionally be necessary to apply a pesticide, these will only be used as a last resort. This program does not rely on routine pesticide applications to resolve problems. We use various techniques such as habitat alteration, sanitation, mechanical means, exclusion, etc. to prevent pests from becoming a problem.

You will receive advanced notice of the application of a pesticide, other than bait or gel formulations at your child's school. This advance notice of the application will be given 48 hours before the application. The law requires us to do this notification by using two methods. The first method required by the law is the posting at the primary entrance to your child's school.  The second method we are going to use is posting on the district website. 

Parents are also entitled to receive this notice by first-class United States mail postmarked at least 3 days before the application. If you would like to be notified by mail please contact the Maintenance Office at (586) 716-3622. Please give the office your name, mailing address and what school your child attends. Please note that this is an annual notice. Requests to be placed on the U.S. Mail list only need to be made once per school year.

In an emergency (for example, bees nest), pesticides may be applied without prior notice, but you will be provided notice following any such application. 

You may review our IPM program or pesticide application records for your child’s school by calling or e-mailing Cori Wiley the District’s Maintenance Supervisor at (586) 716-3622 or e-mail at . This number or e-mail may also be used when school is not in regular session

Notice of Asbestos in School Buildings

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that each year, district workers and building occupants receive notification about asbestos activities such as response actions and inspections.  The purpose of this correspondence is to meet those requirements and familiarize you with the asbestos related activities that have been conducted in  Anchor Bay School District during the last year. 

In 1988, extensive asbestos inspections were conducted throughout all of the buildings within the Anchor Bay School District.  Each school building within the School District has been inspected for the presence of asbestos-containing materials as required by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA).  Based on the findings, the district developed a comprehensive Asbestos Management Plan to contain and/or remove the materials from the buildings.  

Over the years, the district has remained committed to protecting our students and staff from asbestos exposure.  In accordance with regulatory requirements, inspections and periodic surveillance are conducted and the Asbestos Management Plan is evaluated and updated.

The District’s Asbestos Management Plan is available for review at the Maintenance office during normal business hours.  Please contact the contact the Maintenance office at (586)716-3622 for more information.

Submit Work Request

Work Requests can only be submitted by the Building Head Custodian.