Anchor Bay Food Service

      Breakfast & Lunch Information for Parents Anchor Bay Food and Nutrition Logo

Anchor Bay Family Portal Meal Magic Family Portal

Meal Magic Family Portal is a new website that gives parents a single site for all their food service tasks. You can make deposits, transfer funds, review account balances, see what your children are eating, set parental controls, apply for meal benefits and more! It is also intuitive and mobile friendly.

Free Michigan School Meals

  Thanks to the Michigan Healthy School Meals Program, Anchor Bay is excited to offer 1 FREE breakfast and 1 FREE lunch each school day, to all students! All smart snacks and extra entrees will remain at cost.

Still Apply for Education Benefits

     Although meals are free this school year, it is important for families to still fill out the Education Benefits Form.      This information is still used for important state funding that helps support educational programs within your school and also helps qualify students for Summer EBT benefits. To access this form for the 2024-2025 school year, please visit our online site at and click on the benefit tab.

PDF DocumentClick here for the flyer about Free Student Meals.


click above for link to flyer

Non-Discrimination Information

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. PDF DocumentClick here for more information.

Welcome to the Food & Nutrition Department ….

Where Good Nutrition and Learning Go Hand in Hand

The Food & Nutrition staff obtains formal training to obtain their food safety certification.   We take pride in this to prepare safe nutritious meals for your student.  Meals at Anchor Bay Schools follow the federal nutrition standards limiting unhealthy fat and calories. Good nutrition is so important for growing bodies and learning minds, we hope to encourage your student to take part in the breakfast and lunch programs on a daily basis. 

Menus for elementary, middle and high school provide a wide range of offerings for students. The elementary and middle school menus will be updated each month.

Our Mission Statement: 

Preparing students nutritionally to learn and succeed. 

What Comes with a School Lunch? 

A school meal consists of the following:


  • Grade level minimum of meat/protein equivalent


  • Grain Examples  -  wholegrain bun, bread or rice accompaniment


  •  ½ cup fresh, canned or 100% Juice (juice only provided 1-2x/week) at Elementary and Middle Schools

  • 1 cup fruit offered each day at high school


  • ¾ cup fresh or steamed at Elementary and Middle Schools

  • 1 cup vegetable offered each day at high school


  • 1% white or 1% flavored  ½ pint

Students are encouraged to take all of the items for lunch but are only required to take 3 items but one choice must be a fruit or vegetable.

Breakfast Information

Breakfast is essential for your student to succeed and learn at school. School Breakfast is available every school day at the following:

  • Anchor Bay High School
  • Anchor Bay Middle School South
  • Anchor Bay Middle School North
  • Ashley Elementary
  • Dean Naldrett Elementary
  • Great Oaks Elementary
  • Lighthouse Elementary
  • Lottie Schmidt Elementary
  • Maconce Elementary
  • Sugarbush Elementary 


Smart Snacks in Schools

New nutrition standards called “Smart Snacks in School” are available to students. These standards will make healthier foods and beverages available to students to purchase.  

  • Smart Snacks will apply to all foods and beverages sold to students outside of the school meals
  • Smart Snacks will be in effect all school day
  • Smart snacks will not apply to foods served, such as classroom celebrations & during evening or weekends
  • Some fundraising will be affected if they involve food or beverages during school day

Each student has an automatic meal account that is assigned to them when they enroll at the district.   This meal account together with the balance follows the student as they move throughout the district from elementary to middle to high school.  Students that qualify for free or reduced will also have an account that protects the identity and privacy of students receiving meal benefits. 
There are three options for parents to put money on their student’s account:

  1. Check—Make check payable to Anchor Bay Schools Food Service.  Please put your child’s name on bottom of check  (there is a $10.00 fee for insufficient funds).
  2. Cash—you may send cash in with your student.  For elementary, please put cash in envelope with your child’s name on the envelope.  Secondary students can give cash directly to cashier at lunch time.
  3. On-Line Deposit -You may use the internet to deposit money at the following secure site:  There is a $2.95 fee per $100.00 transaction.

**New in May 2022** Sendmoneytoschool has now merged with a site called Family Portal. The new Family Portal link is listed on the sendmoneytoschool page or you can visit it directly at Once you are on the new family portal page, you will need to create a new account under the register tab. If you use the same email address that was used to set up your sendmoneytoschool account, all information will transfer over. 

If you have any trouble, please reach out to the Food Service Department @ 586-598-7663. 

How Does My Middle School or High School Student Get Their Pin Number?

Students will have their pin number printed on their schedules.  Students are reminded to memorize their pin number and keep it confidential.  Each student will use their pin number at the checkout in the cafeteria.   

Meet up and eat up logoThe Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) was created to ensure that children in lower-income areas could continue to receive nutritious meals during long school vacations, when they do not have access to the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Programs.  Free meals will be made available to children 18 years of age and under or persons up to age 26 who are enrolled in an educational program for the mentally or physically disabled that is recognized by a State or local public educational agency. The meals will be provided without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. Anchor Bay Schools does not have a summer food service program but you can use the mapping tool below to find a site near you. New sites will be added as the school year ends and throughout the summer. Please check back often for updated information.

External LinkSummer Food Rocks - to locate a Summer Food Service Program near you.

The Food Service department has substitute positions open.

  • Service hours credit towards State pension
  • Employed directly by Anchor Bay School District
  • Part time hours – weekend off
  • No experience required –training is provided
  • Apply on-line