Senior Tar Gold Card Program
Welcome to the Senior Tar Gold Card Program! We have lots of exciting events happening this school year, and as a Senior Tar Gold Card member, you will receive information regarding free or discounted activities in the Anchor Bay School District. Please remember that you will need to show your card to take advantage of special discounts and admissions.
Here is what your Gold Card can do for you:
- Free admission to all HOME sporting events except regional and district playoffs;
- Free rehearsal musical performances and plays; and
- 15% discount on breakfast buffets and ala carte items at the Shoreliner
- 15% discount for the Nautical Shop at Anchor Bay High School
The Senior Tar Gold Card program is available to ANY resident of the Anchor Bay School District who is 60 or older. Eligible citizens may register online by clicking here, or at the Administration Building located at 5201 County Line Rd in Casco.