Counseling Center
Updates & Information:
Credit Recovery - After School
The 4th session of credit recovery will begin March 31st through May 22nd. There will be no sessions on the following days: April 9th, April 18th, April 21st, April 29th, and May 6th. The cost to attend is $50. If you need financial assistance, please contact Ms. Pietron at for assistance! This will be the last session this school year!Credit Recovery Flyer
Credit Recovery Registration
Scheduling Information 2025-2026
Attention students and parents! Scheduling forms and how to schedule videos can be found on the left side of the page under the Staff section!
Senior Checklist
Attention Seniors - As a reminder, you need 22 credits to graduate high school. Please continue to work hard and maintain passing grades! In addition, FAFSA is available! We encourage all seniors to fill out a FAFSA form! If you have any questions about FAFSA, please select the Financial Aid tab for more information!
Attention Class of 2025 Seniors: Please be sure to fill out the 2025 Graduation Exit Form prior to leaving ABHS!
Attention Seniors Interested in Trades and/or Apprenticeship: Macomb Community College offers an Industrial Readiness Program for students who are interested in trades! Please visit the Postsecondary Education tab to the left of the page and select the MAP+ tab for more information!
Attention Seniors: Are you a Dual Enrollment student that is continuing their education at Macomb Community College? Please fill out the Student Update Form to update your program of study.
Testing Information
Attention Juniors: Testing season is right around the corner! Please be sure to be arrive early as testing will start on time! All juniors are required to take the SAT, ACT Work Keys, and MSTEP. Dates will be provided when available!
Please be aware that you are required to take all 3 tests and that you may miss early college, dual enrollment or other special programs on these days. Keep in mind that cell phones and smart watches will not be allowed in testing areas. In addition, no food or drink will be allowed in the testing area as well.
- April 9, 2025 - Juniors SAT and Sophomores PSAT 10 (7:19am - 12:45pm)
- April 10, 2025 - Juniors ACT WorkKeys and Freshman PSAT 9 (7:19am - 11:30am)
Juniors - You will be reporting to the either the Main Gym (MG), the Auxiliary Gym (AG), or a designated classroom. Please make sure that you arrive to your testing room early.
Freshman & Sophomores - You will be reporting to a designated classroom. Please make sure that you are arriving to your testing room early.
Additional Resources:SAT Prep Workshop ($50 Fee)
SAT Practice
College Board (PSAT & SAT) Login
College Board (AP)
ACT (Optional Testing)
Comfort Closet
Anchor Bay High School is proud to announce that our Comfort Closet is open! This is for any student that needs essentials at home. Please check out our flyer below to see what we offer! In addition, if you would like to donate any of these items to our closet for families that are financially struggling or how to access our comfort closet, please email Jamie Pietron @ for further information!
Anchor Bay High School Comfort Closet
Ordering Transcripts for College
Anchor Bay has signed up with Parchment by Docufide, an electronic process, to send your transcripts directly to the college of your choice. The counseling office will not be mailing your transcript. Each student must register with Parchment by Docufide on the Anchor Bay website and place your request for transcripts to be sent out.
Attention Seniors: Parchment will send your transcript anywhere you would like at no cost. However, after July 31st, 2025, there will be a fee when ordering your transcript. To avoid this, please order your transcript before July 31st, 2025.
There is a video at the bottom of the page for a step by step tutorial on how order your transcript through Parchment.
Early College, Dual Enrollment, and AP Courses
If you missed the Dual Enrollment meeting, here is the PowerPoint for Dual Enrollment!
Dual Enrollment Meeting PowerPoint
Check out this PDF to learn what the difference is between Early College and Dual Enrollment.
Early College vs. Dual Enrollment
Check out this PDF to see how an AP exam score can convert to credits at Macomb Community College.
AP Exam Scores Converted to MCC Credits
Are you thinking about Dual Enrollment? Here is a PDF to show if you are ready for college courses!
Qualifying Scores for Dual Enrollment
Are you a new student enrolling in Dual Enrollment? Please review the new student guide to apply at Macomb.
Dual Enrollment New Student Guide
Do you want your parent/guardian to have access to help you with talking with Macomb? Please fill visit the link below to complete the FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) to release your information to your parent/guardian.
Release of Student Information (FERPA)
Are you planning or registering for your classes at Macomb? Here is a PDF guide to help you navigate how to plan, register, waitlist and drop a course.
How to Plan & Register Using Student Planning
Not sure if your class falls under the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)? Here is a PDF that will inform you if the courses fall under the MTA.
Not sure what classes you can take at Macomb? Please review the MCC & High School Equivalency Chart to help you pick the best course that fits your program interest! This document will also share how many high school credits and college credits you will receive!
MCC Courses Under Michigan Transfer Agreement
MCC Elective Courses Not Under Michigan Transfer Agreement
NCAA Information
If you plan to play collegiate sports use this timeline to help guide you with the NCAA eligibility process. NCAA Eligibility Center High School Timeline
ABHS TRANSCRIPTS - How to Send Transcripts
Anchor Bay High School Graduation Requirements
- Sherry Kenward, Director of Student Services, ext. 2339
- Abby Adams, 9th Grade Counselor, 648-2525 ext. 2336
- Jill Gano, Counselor (A-E) 648-2525 ext. 2349
- Jenny Spoerl, Counselor (F-L) 648-2525 ext. 2334
- Ilene Soto, Counselor (M-R) 648-2525 ext. 2377
- Sara Barczak, Counselor (S-Z), 648-2525 ext. 2337
- Amy DiStefano, Teacher Consultant ext. 2335
- Christy Smafield, Teacher Consultant, ext. 2340
- Jamie Pietron, Student Success Instructor, ext. 2338
- Andrea Smith, Social Worker, ext. 2355
- Remi Bloom, School Psychologist, Tuesday, ext. 2315
- Dawn Thompson, CTE Para, ext. 2379
Testing Sites
PSAT-SAT (CollegeBoard site for PSAT & SAT)
Advanced Placement (AP) (CollegeBoard website for AP testing)