Lottie Elementary
Mission Statement
The mission of Lottie M. Schmidt Elementary School Community is to develop personal responsibility, strong academic skills, social sensitivity, and a sense of well being in each child.
For safety reasons, please report your child's absence by calling the office at (586) 725-7541 BEFORE 9:00am or as soon as possible. The absence will be marked unexcused if no parent contact has been made. An answering machine is available 24 hrs a day to leave a message if the office is closed. Excessive absences and tardies are reported to the County Attendance Officer.
Congratulations to this year's students who had their stories published in the Kaleidoscope Magazine:
- Dylan Stanek, Ashley - "Winning Districts"
- Cordelia Offer, Great Oaks - "Talking Raccoons"
- Audreanna Ha, Lighthouse - "Chicago"
- Ellison Davey, Lottie - "The Day I Met Bruno"
- Zachary Zelenak, Maconce - "Jaimy the Star"
- Bradley Bommarito, Naldrett - "What Christmas is About"
- Adrienne Cherget, MSN - "Flickering Light"
- Carter Muscat, MSS - "Weezer"
The Anchor Bay Science Special has been recognized with a 2025 Education Excellence Award, a prestigious honor given to only 10 programs statewide by the SET SEG Foundation in partnership with the Michigan Association of School Boards. This award highlights innovative programs that make a significant impact on student learning.
Lottie Elementary
School Times
Full Day: 9:00 AM - 3:51 PM
1/2 Day: 9:00 AM - 12:26 PM

Curriculum Resource
Type in this keycode: ABMATHELEM
Positivity Project
Medical Forms
Pay For It
To pay using Pay-for-it:
Log on to https://www.payforit.net/
Register for an account (You can get step by step instructions here: https://www.payforit.net/Images/SigningUp.pdf)
Add students to your account. You will need their Power Schools ID (you can get this from your school office.
Click on the Fees Tab to pay your students assigned or optional fees.
To Make a payment on Pay-for-It:
Log in and got to the "Fees" tab
Click on "Make Fee Payment"
Under Optional Fees - Click on the green "+"