Anchor Bay Middle School South
MARCH 2025 Newsletter
After School Tutoring
South will be offering after school tutoring with the purpose of helping students develop a deeper level of understanding on performance tasks/classwork in the following subject areas: Math, Science, ELA, Social Studies.
Tutoring sessions will be held EACH DAY Monday - Thursday starting the week of October 7th. Each session will be one hour in length from 3pm – 4pm in room 311. Transportation home will not be provided. Students are free to be picked-up in the front of the building anytime throughout the hour.
If you are interested in having your child take advantage of this opportunity, please complete the following permission slip info.
Click Here for the ONLINE Permission Slip
JROTC After School Leadership Club Student Information
This program is designed for students in grades 6-8 seeking opportunities to lead others as well as developing teamwork and communication skills, making new friends and most of all HAVING FUN!!!!We will meet on the following Mondays Jan 6, 13, 27, Feb 3, 10, 24 from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm at MSS. Click here for the permission slip.
CLICK HERE to order a 2024-25 SOUTH Yearbook!
Time is running out! Order before February 21st to guarantee your student a yearbook!!! We need to submit the number of yearbooks to the printing plant very shortly. We DO NOT plan to order many extra yearbooks for sale at the end of the school year. Order now to be guaranteed a yearbook for your student.
Attention 8th Grade Families : Thursday, February 13th is the last day to create & order your 8th grade parent ad! Anchor Bay Middle School South is offering the 8th grade parents the opportunity to create a recognition ad for your student. Recognition Ads are a great way to celebrate your student and their accomplishments on a personal level. Designing and creating your ad is very easy. Click on the parent ad link and follow the directions to create your ad.
2024-25 Suggested Supply List
- (1) 3" Binder
- (6) Spiral Notebooks (1 for each class)
- (6) Folders (1 for each class)
- Pencils/Pens
- Highlighters
Parent Drop-Off/Pick-Up Details
- Click here for Map
- All student drop-off/pick-up's are done in the back of the building, Door 6. (Please see map)
- Please do not use the bus loop in the front of the building during drop-off (7:30am-8:10am) and/or pickup times (2:30pm-3:10pm).
- If you are unable to find a spot on the curb indicated on the map during drop-off/pick-up, please park in the back and allow your child to use the crosswalk. The crosswalk will have staff assisting students safely across.
- If you are coming into the main office at any time during the day, please park in the front of the building and enter through Door 1. (Please see map)
Positivity Project
We are extremely excited to be implementing the Positivity Project (P2) at Middle School South this school year! The mission of this program is to empower America’s youth to build positive relationships and become their best selves. P2 will also partner with South and equip staff with the resources, training, and strategy to teach their students.
Please click here for more information on the Positivity Project.
If your child is absent from school, please call us at 586-949-4510 before 10:00AM. If you get the voice mail message, use ext.2101
- Remember to check grades on Parent Portal instead of Schoology. Parent Portal is the official place that grades are stored and updated.
- Thank you to all the parents who have dropped off and/or picked-up their child in the back of the school. The front of the building is for buses only in the AM & PM.
- We do have students with peanut allergies, and we ask that no shelled peanuts be brought into school. Food that is processed with peanuts is permitted. We ask that no actual peanut shells be brought into the building.
- If you drop your child off late to school, please call to the main office to let them know.
- We will be continuing our new lockdown protocol known as A.L.I.C.E this school year.
Medical Forms
Please contact the Middle School South office if your child needs to take medication during the day. Medication forms will be made available or can be found on the enrollment page.
Alternate Bus Info
To the Parents or Guardians of Anchor Bay Schools that use alternate locations for either pick up or drop off of your students due to daycare, grandparents or divorce situations, please complete the Alternate Bus form and either email (, fax (586-725-4223) or mail 51890 Washington, New Balt. 48047 Click here for the form
Having this form early gets the correct information to you in August when the postcards go out. Thank you and have a safe and Happy Summer!
Will be using the parking lot.
*Need one table set up by auditorium for registration
MSS Events & Athletics
Contact Us
Middle School South
Office Staff
School Times
Standard Day: 8:04am - 2:52pm
Bell Schedule
1st Hour | 8:04AM - 9:06AM |
2nd Hour | 9:11AM - 10:08AM |
3rd Hour | 10:13AM - 11:10AM |
4th Hour | 11:15AM - 12:45PM |
A Lunch | 11:15AM - 11:45AM |
B Lunch | 12:15PM - 12:45PM |
5th Hour | 12:50PM - 1:47PM |
6th Hour | 1:52PM - 2:52PM |
1/2 Day Bell Schedule
1st Hour | 8:04AM - 8:34AM |
2nd Hour | 8:39AM - 9:09AM |
3rd Hour | 9:14AM - 9:44AM |
4th Hour | 9:49AM - 10:19AM |
5th Hour | 10:24AM - 10:54AM |
6th Hour | 10:59AM - 11:29AM |
MSS AER Letter 2023-24
Drop-Off/Pick-Up ProcedureLaptop Login Directions
Concussion Awareness Form
Student Handbook
6th Grade Schedule Form
7th Grade Schedule Form
8th Grade Schedule Form
Glencoe Math Online Resource Document
Glencoe Math Night PowerPoint
Pirate Prowl Parent Letter 2023
Positivity Project Parent Information
PowerSchool Phone App
PowerSchool Enrollment & UpdatesSchoology Login & Assignment Submission Directions
Title I Parent Letter
Universal Code of ConductVolunteer Form
Washington D.C. Registration Info 2024
Washington D.C. Itinerary Info 2024
Welcome Back Parent Letter 2024-25
Sexual Harassment Brochure
October 2024 Podcast
Feed the Bay
South News
Subscribe to RSS Feed for South NewsSpring Break!
Kaleidoscope Authors
Congratulations to this year's students who had their stories published in the Kaleidoscope Magazine:
- Dylan Stanek, Ashley - "Winning Districts"
- Cordelia Offer, Great Oaks - "Talking Raccoons"
- Audreanna Ha, Lighthouse - "Chicago"
- Ellison Davey, Lottie - "The Day I Met Bruno"
- Zachary Zelenak, Maconce - "Jaimy the Star"
- Bradley Bommarito, Naldrett - "What Christmas is About"
- Adrienne Cherget, MSN - "Flickering Light"
- Carter Muscat, MSS - "Weezer"
2025 Education Excellence Award
The Anchor Bay Science Special has been recognized with a 2025 Education Excellence Award, a prestigious honor given to only 10 programs statewide by the SET SEG Foundation in partnership with the Michigan Association of School Boards. This award highlights innovative programs that make a significant impact on student learning.
Exciting Updates Coming for the 2025-26 School Year!
We’re thrilled to start sharing some of the exciting changes in store for the upcoming school year! Stay tuned as we highlight key updates and improvements designed to enhance learning, engagement, and our school community. Our goal is to keep our families and community informed every step of the way.
- Anchor Bay School District will begin the 2025-2026 school year before Labor Day, with the first day of school on August 27, 2025. We understand this is a significant change for some families, so we encourage everyone to mark their calendars and plan summer vacations accordingly. 2025-26 Calendar (For those who plan ahead, here is the 2026-27 Calendar too!)
- Preschool Information
- Elementary Updates including New Screenings for Kindergarten Students
- Middle School Reconfiguration
- Trimester and Secondary Eligibility Policy Update
- SC4 Enhanced Dual Enrollment at ABHS
Stay Tuned for Updates!
Kindergarten Options at Anchor Bay for 2025-26
Traditional Full-Day Kindergarten
- Children must be 5 years old by September 1st of the school year in which they plan on attending Kindergarten.
- Curriculum is based on the Michigan Standards for Kindergarten.
Young Fives
- Young Fives is a full day program designed for children turning 5 years old between June 1st and December 1st.
- Gives children an extra year before attending Kindergarten.
- The Young Fives curriculum is based on the Michigan Standards for Kindergarten modified to meet the foundational academic, social/ emotional, and developmental needs for younger children.
- Schools of Choice is available for both programs.